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The Power OF Your Subconscious Mind | Joseph Murphy

Power OF Your Subconscoius Mind

About The Author:

Joseph Murphy was born in Ballydehob, County Cork, Ireland, the son of a private boys' school headmaster and raised a Roman Catholic. He was encouraged to study for the priesthood and was accepted as a Jesuit seminarian. Murphy travelled to India and spent a lot of time with Indian sages, learning Hindu philosophy. He later on formed a new church in America with Hindu ideologies.


Short Summary Of The Book:

Power of your subconscious mind is one of the brilliant and beloved spiritual self-help book that works all the time and help you to heal yourself, remove your fear, sleep better, enjoy better, enjoy better relationship and feel happier. Joseph have used simple and practical technique which can be used in our day to day life and use your subconscious mind power. Our mind works on two platforms conscious and subconscious, a conscious mind is what you see and decide any task to do and you are aware of but subconscious mind includes those things that you might not be aware of it but we can pull it to conscious awareness.

The Visualization technique:

Imagine your mind is a movie theater, it depends on which type of movie you watch as that movie will became your reality done by your subconscious mind. For example: An Artist visualizes his painting before he begins to draw and this virtual drawing is drawn by his subconscious mind. The device in which you are seeing this post was imagination of someone. If you see yourself living successful, healthy and happy life then your subconscious mind will make it the reality, but this would not be implemented just by thinking because your subconscious mind work on belief. To accomplish that you have to believe that you are living life as per your thoughts then your subconscious mind will convert into reality.


“Think Good and Good Follows

Think Evil and Evil Follows

You Are What You Think All Day”



Autosuggestion means giving same message to your subconscious mind so that it will believe that it is reality. A female singer who got rejected thrice was going for audition for another and was afraid that she will get rejected again. She was telling herself many times a day that she will fail again, just few weeks before his friend suggest this book to her, she completed this book and started telling herself that she is confident, she is a good  singer and will make this time and then she was selected. Autosuggestion is an important tool to transport your imagination to your subconscious mind.

There is a story mentioned in this book about a person who was suffering from a dangerous disease and after a lot of medications and operations he was unsuccessful to be well and as per doctors he will live for maximum a month or so. After hearing this he was sad and fearful but one day his son bring a cross sign made of wood and gave to him and told him that this is a miraculous cross many people are out of danger and became well with this cross. He believed that this is truly a miraculous cross and started praying holding in his hand and started believing he is recovering. After a month when he got his blood test report, doctors were shocked to see his tests were positive and he was recovering from his disease. That person thought that this is such a magical/miraculous cross but it was the power his subconscious mind’s power who made things good, that cross was an ordinary wood cross which was made by someone and his son brought to give him as a gift and told those stories. Whenever we believe on one thought and repeat in our mind, your subconscious mind makes it reality. Your subconscious mind works on believes, emotions and thoughts.

 Your Inner wealth power:

 “Our reality is just reflection of what we believe of ourselves.”

“The best autosuggestion is that which conscious mind also accepts” 

As per author you can do two simple exercises to reprogram your subconscious mind:


1.    Write how you would like your ideal life to be, in which you will explain how is your health, what type of person you are, what is your bank balance, how is your relation and you can add your points in this in a simple way so that you can visualize it easily.

2.    Visualize what you have written twice a day just after you woke up and right before your sleep and when you are visualizing imagine it is happening in front of you and you are a part of it.


“We become what we think and believe about our self”

Click here to buy kindle edition.

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